David Bivins

Financial Coach
(281) 769-1341, cell (832) 769-6216
To be able to help individuals, couples, or business owners with their relationship with money is an incredible gift. My passion to help others rises not from a lifetime of doing everything right with my finances, but instead from doing so many things wrong! As a husband, dad, and business owner I have experienced great financial rewards but also utter failures. It is from these failures that I learned the most.
I spent the first part of my career in the fencing industry as a salesman, branch manager, and owning my own business. That’s one reason why I still feel most comfortable wearing jeans and Red Wing boots! My interest in financial things took root in 2012 when I enrolled in the Certified Financial Planner Certification Education program at Rice University. Upon successfully completing that vigorous program, I realized I was still a long way from being professionally proficient to actually help people with their money. But it fueled a desire to learn more through reading, continued study, and prayer to help find a financial orthodoxy that I could become passionate about.
My prayers were answered when I came to realize that the Bible references money and possessions over 2300 times! It teaches those who will listen to live simply within our means and about being content. It also strongly advises to eliminate debt and the stress that it brings to our lives and marriages. Lastly it tells of the amazing and mysterious blessing that is derived from helping others, sometimes even sacrificially.
So what is Money for Life about? It’s about helping you! If you find yourself not having enough money, hopelessly overwhelmed with student loan or credit card debt, worried about savings and your future, you’ve found a safe harbor. If your marriage is in danger because of a differing of opinions on money, we can help.
Affiliations & Certifications:
- Completed Financial Coach Master Training from Ramsey Financial Coaching
- Completed Certified Financial Planner Certification Education Program at Rice University
- Member of Kingdom Advisors: Completed Core Training for Financial Advisors
- Certified SYMBIS Facilitator (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts)
- Member: Financial Coaches Community & Financial Coaches Unite
- Trained Tax Preparer (no plans to prepare taxes, will only use this knowledge in helping clients)
A very wise man (John Claypool) said, “it is not within our power to determine what happens to us circumstantially, but we can determine how we will respond to what life does to us.”
Work with us! Abundance is a disciplined but glorious path available to you!
Anna Chau

Financial Coach
(281) 769-1221, cell (832) 769-6230
Growing up the youngest of five children to immigrant parents, the hallmarks of success and perseverance were deeply embedded in me early on as I observed my parents go about building life in a new country. Failure was not an option!
As I got older I found myself naturally interested in financial things and experienced great joy in being able to help my parents manage their money. As I transitioned on to college I wanted to achieve two main goals; I wanted to study and get a degree in Finance, and I wanted to pay my own way. Failure was not an option! I was able to secure a job in a local bank, starting out as a receptionist, but quickly proving myself so valuable to my employers that they were willing to pay for my education.
I received my degree in Finance and began my career working as a Financial Analyst, and then a Banker. By then I was married and pregnant with our first child. Our son Alex had a traumatic birth and the dream life we had imagined took what ended up being a wonderful turn, but was wrought with difficult challenges along the way. I stopped working and we learned to live on a single income. Money was tight but we lovingly made the necessary sacrifices to make sure Alex’s needs were met.
As a mom to a special needs child, I immersed myself in learning about the best educational and developmental programs available. Failure was not an option! I became a special needs advocate, a school district advisory board member, and a New York Brain Injury Advocate.
We were blessed with two daughters and I am so proud of my family. Alex now works for the Mayor’s Office For People With Disabilities. Daughter Rachel is an engineer finishing up her Master’s Degree and Emily is in high school, swimming and getting ready to take on the world!
I want to use my experiences to help others. I want to teach families that have special needs children that teamwork is important. Alex’s disability and the challenges we faced made us better parents, and he made us realize what’s most important in life- faith, family, health, and love.
I believe that learning never stops and two years ago decided to take an income tax course as a means of learning about current tax laws and their impact on our family finances. From that I was offered a job as a tax preparer but also to manage an office of tax pros for a major firm. Failure was not an option, and I led that office to new levels of both number of returns and revenue.
And now I have the opportunity to help you move from where you are now to where you want to be financially. If you are the parents of a special needs child I have a special heart for you. We can figure this out together. Failure is not an option!
Affiliations & Certifications:
- Bachelor of Science/Finance from Suffolk University
- Completed Financial Coach Master Training from Ramsey Financial Coaching
- Certified SYMBIS Facilitator (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts)
- Member: Financial Coaches Community & Financial Coaches Unite
- Trained Tax Preparer (no plans to prepare taxes, will only use this knowledge in helping clients)